Via Guiccioli, 6 Molinella (BO) - ITALY - tel. +39 051 6908660
English version

Drilling machines joy 4

JOY 4 Remote-controlled hydraulic drilling unit

Joy 4 is a drilling machine for the carrying out of vertical or inclined hoses. It can mount more types of heads and allow different technics of drilling:

  • by augers

  • by hammers

  • drilling with air

  • with down the hole hammer
Joy 4 is built with new technical solution and are suitable for every works and every kinds of soil.

The drilling units can be mounted also on van.

Its main features are:
  • Small size (easy transport)

  • Balance and steadiness

  • No problems of wear and tear

  • It operates by remote control

All the drilling operations are remotely controlled by
a proportional remote control. Joy 4
[ IT-EN ]

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Technical data


Lenght 7,87 ft
Width 5,90 ft
shoe width 1,31 ft
Diesel engine
Power 100 KW
Perkins super-silenced
Drilling pump  
Screw type
variable flow 0÷800 Lpm pressure 25 bar
Effective stroke 11,48 ft
pull up/pull down 13,216 ft
Mast tilting L/R
15° Optional
Deplacement slide 3,28 ft
Dobule clamp with unscrewer
Effective Ø 18"
Drilling head
Max torque 14,760 lbf-ft
Max speed
0÷320 rpm
Hydraulic circuit
2 pumps L/S 120 Lpm - 300 bar + 2 pumps 40 Lpm - 160 bar
19,82 - 15,418 lb

HYDRA - Via Guiccioli, 6 - Molinella (BO) - ITALY

Tel. +039 051 6908660 - Fax. +39 051 6908657 -
Partita IVA: IT01309740395 - E-mail:

Hydra S.r.l. - C.F. e N.isc.imp. 01309740395 Bologna 10/01/2002 - Cap.Soc. 25.000,00 € i.v.